WATERWORKS - We escape the hot desert and sail to the Islands of Greece. To the local fisherman in their original indigo blue’s. And look at the Mediterranean colors: a cool tantalizing palette of water hues in blues and peacocks, greens and indigo. With accents of mauve and bordeaux. We sit in the shade of a cedar tree and imagine ourselves being born as an underwater creature. A water nymph. A mermaid. An Aphrodite being created by Botticelli himself.
Regatta stripes are everywhere. They come in each and every imaginable size and rhythm. From linen deckchair to mattress, from papery cotton pinstripes to ticking stripes and to bold and flamboyant spinnaker color blockings in crisp color woven’s.
The Greek fisherman dance their kouseftos, handkerchief in hand, and Indigo & Ecru dance their Mediterranean pas-de-deux.
Summer is cool and refreshing.