Welcome - Welcome to the site of LA COLORS from Amsterdam. We are a trend- and forecasting studio in Amsterdam the Netherlands. Specialized in colors and hot color combinations for the textile industry.
We publish trend- & color books for apparel as well as for interior 2 x per year. For this, we dye 2 x 48 colors per season in Italy in yarns. Real colors in real materials: mercerized cotton yarns. Our studio is one big color paradise
for textile lovers and companies that seek inspiration from the textile world. Color is our world, and designing yarn
dyed fabrics is our passion. We do so by winding yarns around a piece of cardboard.
These so-called 'windings' are our signature color tool in the business. It shows exactly what the fabrics
of the future are going to look like, after weaving. The best thing is, that we do it for before weaving!